2012年4月14日 星期六

MyBrowserCash: Rented Referrals 說明

為了解除過去很多人以為RS是"固定分紅式投資"的誤解,此次重新正名為RR (Rented Referrals),以表示租來的應該是一個下線的組合(one block of rented referrals),而不是類似購買基金或股票的保證分紅、股利。既然是租來的下線,每天能有多少傭金收入,當然就會跟下線的表現有關,因此一定是一個浮動的數字。

"Who Else Wants To Earn Daily Income From Rented Referrals!?"
Introducing MyBrowserCash™ Rented Referrals.
Note To "Old" Share Owners: We have changed (slightly) how the shares system works, renamed it to
better reflect what it actually is to avoid confusion. Daily payouts will be very similar to the old system. The main difference is some blocks will pay X while others pay Y. This means if you have say 100 rented referral blocks and had been paid .11/day for each one, blocks 1-10 may pay .15, blocks 11-20 may pay .10 etc. It is based on actual revenue the blocks earned on the previous day. Each blocked is linked to 5 System owned user accounts in the system. You will begin to notice a difference in earnings from each rented referral block on the rental page.
給過去有買RS的人: 我們(稍微)修改了分紅系統的運作方式,並重新命名,以正確反應其內涵,避免造成混淆。每天的給付跟過去是相似的。主要的差別在於,您會發現同一天內,一些下線組合可能給付X元,而其它卻給付Y元。其實如果您過去有100個下線組合,且每天從每個組合拿到0.11美金,實際上應該是第1~10組是每個給付0.15,而11~20組是每個給付0.10元。給付的金額是根據前一天每組下線實際的收益而決定。每一組下線代表五個系統中的真實帳號。很快您會開始注意到,租用下線頁面裡的每個下線組合,會顯示出不同的收益數字。  

Problem: Renting 1 Referral at a time is luck of the draw, sometimes you rent a good referral, othertimes you rent one that does nothing. Unless you have lots of money to buy up tons of referrals you probably won't be happy with just 1 or 2 referrals.
We used to sell referrals for $1-$2 and what happened was we would get lots of people who just bought 1 expecting to make them money.
We reminded them renting referrals is a numbers game, the best we could do for them was to assign them a refferal who has recently logged in or had some account activity.
To make it more complex there's some people who don't browse everyday, they may only browse or complete offers a few days a week. On the flip side there were some people who happened to get a lot of great referrals for whatever reason which would lopsided those earnings, so there were people who made money from them and then there were people who made nothing.

We've Created a System Where Everyone Wins!
By renting referrals for a duration of time, and assigning "Blocks" of 5 referrals to people who rent referrals we've created a much better way to earn from Renting Referrals.
For $5.50 you rent (1) block of 5 referrals for 75 days. The duration is also important as well, when you have some people only browsing on certain days we can evenly distribute the entire users value over a 75 day duration back to you.
Since the System "Owns" these referrals we have many ways of receiving revenue from them including but not limited to Ad Income (Our own ad Network, Partnered Network Feeds ( PPC, PPV, CPM, CPA ads, Banner Ads, Text Ads and others), Subscriptions, Upgrades, Associated Fees, Ad Distribution of our feeds and others) and share this revenue with you!

Renting VS Buying
Why do we Rent referrals instead of selling them. Several reasons, first because some people would get someone who upgrades, browses a lot while others would get little to no income from some referrals. Secondly because we can then reuse those referrals after they expire. This allows us to have a lot more referrals for rent then we could sell as the previously rented referrals become available for re-rental.
This improves not only our cash flow but yours because we can now take a pool of money and distribute it to everyone who rents referrals!

Our Unique Rental System Is Based On System Revenue - NOT "Future Money"
There are several requirements in order to earn from your rented Referrals on a daily basis.
1. First you must Rent Referrals.
2. You must view at least 10 ads a day (or automatically qualify by being a Gold Member).
3. You must also login to the MyBrowserCash members area at least once a day (if you are not a Silver or Gold Member).

Referral Rentals pay 75 TIMES. This means if you miss a day of clicking you simply won't earn that day
but the money is not lost, because they pay out 75 times, so if you missed say 5 days in 2 months then
you would simply be paid for those at a later day when you do qualify.
1. 要去租下線
2. 每天要看10個廣告 (黃金會員自動合格)
3. 每天必須至少登入會員區一次 (有升級銀或金的會員不用)

How Much Does Each Referral Rental Pay Daily?
While we don't publish the formula to determine the value daily per referral rental payout, it will flunctuate depending how that block of referrals is performing in the system.
Past history tells us generally between .09-.15/day/referral rental. We can not however make any guarantee of this or guarantee any specific future payout.
However saying that, if one block of referrals is overperforming that extra revenue is divided into the other rented referrals so there is a more evenly distribution of revenue to everyone who rents referrals. Again, this is so we do not end up with a certain portion of users earning more from the same thing.
我 們不會提供RR給付的計算公式。給付金額會隨著該組下線的表現而浮動。過去的經驗,每個下線組合,每日給付金額會介於0.09~0.15。但我們不會提供 任何保證或去保證未來一定會給付多少。我們可以告訴您,如果某一個組合的表現特別好,增加的收入將分配給其它的組合,以便每個租用下線者可以得到較平均的 獲利。再強調一次,我們不打算讓同樣租用下線者,有某一群因為運氣好而得到特別多。

Referral Rental Availability Is Limited!
We have limits in place so someone can't come in and just buy all the Referrals up and there is a maximum number of referrals available at anytime which is based on the number of referrals the system currently owns and the number of active positions*.
Each account type (Free,Silver,Gold) is allowed to purchase X amount of referral positions at a time. This # could be be adjusted at anytime depending on the number of referrals available and the number of system owned referrals currently in the system.
You will also earn .35 when your referrals rents referrals and .15 when your sub-referrals rents referrals (if you are a Silver or Gold member) currently free members will not earn when the share is bought by one of their referrals or sub-referrals, however Free members can rent referrals just like upgraded members, they just won't earn from their referrals share purchases (and Free members have a smaller limit to the number of referrals they can rent).
And your daily earnings can be cashed out when you reach the standard $20!

Basically, We're Taking The "Luck" Out Of Renting Referrals!
If you've purchased referrals in the past from us or any other system you know it can be the luck of the draw. Sometimes you get a great referral who completes a ton of offers, upgrades or surfs like crazy. However, this is the exception and not the rule. Plus, people go on vacation, or leave for a while and you're not earning income from them while they are away.
It's much easier to give you a share of the user base's income!

1. 之後會發現每個RR的給付不相同。但根據站方說法,會盡量讓大家平均,每個人75天下來的獲利應該是差不多的。
2. 限量是殘酷的。RR不一定想租就租的到。
3. 符合RR給付條件的規則跟以前都一樣,需要複習的人請往上翻閱。(看廣告、登入網站)


請參考:  MyBrowserCash超簡單網賺入門,每月賺上千美金!!

其它關於MBC的文章,請參考這裡: MBC相關文章列表

原文Po於: 網路賺錢@pixnet

